FAQ & additional info
Should I practice cyclical yoga if I don't have a consistent cycle or if I'm on hormonal birth control?
You can definitely still benefit from practicing cyclical yoga if your menstrual cycle doesn’t align with the guide. Even if your cycle does align there are many other factors that affect how you’re feeling. Think of each class section as a different level of energy. Choose classes in the ovulatory section when you have a lot of energy, the menstrual section when your energy is low, and classes in the follicular and luteal section for everything in between. The important thing is to listen to your body and honor what it needs. The more you practice respecting your body through your yoga practice the easier it will be to incorporate the same level of mindfulness into other areas of your life. You may also consider following the cycle of the moon.
How are the moon phases connected to the menstrual phases?
The moon is a feminine yin symbol that mirrors the hormonal changes that we go through during the menstrual cycle. It reminds us that there’s a time to create and a time to rest. The new moon and the menstrual phase are a time for self reflection and healing. The waxing moon and the follicular phase both represent new beginnings. The full moon and the ovulatory phase bring more light, energy, and abundance. The waning moon and the luteal phase at the end of the cycle remind us to complete projects and prepare to rest again.
What if my cycle doesn’t line up with the moon phases?
It’s no problem if your cycle doesn’t sync with the moon. Some people say that if you’re bleeding during the full moon it’s a time when a lot of change is happening or a lot of effort is needed for something in your life. You can have a healthy cycle that doesn’t align with the moon but if you’re interested in trying to align the two energies it may be as simple as taking time to connect with the moon. Your mind and your thoughts are powerful. If you’re looking at the moon, thinking about your cycle, and sending signals to your brain that they should sync, they just might.